My GTM story

Discussion in 'Grand Theft Minecart' started by iTraitor, Oct 26, 2018.

  1. iTraitor

    iTraitor Mugger

    Sep 20, 2017
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    United Kingdom
    1 year ago today, I was promoted to a helpop on the GTM server, as a thanks to that, here is my GTM story:

    I originally joined GTM in July, around the Summer "boom". When I first joined, the main server (GTM1) was full, therefore I just clicked on a random server, that server happened to be GTM5. I quickly fell in love with GTM, and by the end of my first day playing it I had a decent sized trailer at trailer park, and was thug.

    Now before I continue, I feel I should mention that when I joined, this was before the economy was inflated. The richest person on GTM5 had $20mil and 15 katanas, and katanas were just introduced a month prior to me joining. This lead to ranks such as mobster and godfather being extremely well-known in the community, since they had dedicated a significant chunk of time into GTM to earn that money. Also at this time, there was a bug with miniguns that allowed any rank to use them, which leads me onto the next part:

    With the minigun bug around, I decided to vote and use the tokens to buy a minigun from the tokenshop. I remember just spamming right click on everybody I see, and backpacking the loot to sell in the trashcan. Instantly, I fell in love with the minigun and whenever the minigun bug happened, I abused it to the fullest potential (don't ban me pls). This gave me the motivation to continue ranking up, until I reached hunter.

    When I reached hunter, the minigun bug was patched, and with that being the only weapon that I used, I struggled for a while. There was a point where all I did was AFK at spawn, and just claim hunter kits every 30 minutes and sell them in the trashcan (by the way, if you are in early-game, and are watching youtube or something, do this in the background and sell the kits for cash, every bit helps). However there was a light at the end of the tunnel, the armoured kuruma.

    At the time, the armoured kuruma was insanely OP, you could take down about 5 fully armoured miniguns before the kuruma would eventually break. I quickly got known as a 'kuruma fag', however this got me a 5.0K/D and allowed me to rankup to dealer. Unfortunately, this also left me with a slightly negative reputation, and people started copying my tactic meaning there was nobody to kill.

    Again, this left me in a situation, I would kill people and get their loot, but then somebody would come and kill me. As well as this, jetpack and katana had recently become more meta, making them the more dominant player as they had the advantage since they had an extremely powerful weapon and could fly. However, there was still 1 idea I had: the lottery. Every day, I would force myself to earn 300k and put it straight into the lottery (Bearing in mind, this was still before the highly inflated economy, so this was considered a fair amount of money).

    Eventually, this tactic paid off and I won 3.25mil, this allowed me to rankup to mobster and start using a jetpack. This was also at a time when jetpacks were high risk, high reward. If you killed a jetpacker, that would be an easy 100k, if you died it's 100k lost. If it was a jetpack katana, that was an easy $1 million earned or lost (Katanas were worth around 600-700k at this point). Since I was still relatively poor in items at this time and didn't want to lose my only katana, I decided to use jetpack chainsaw.

    However, this didn't last for long because the ever infamous homing bug was found (If you don't know, it allowed you to one-shot anybody with a homing launcher). I abused the living shit out of this bug, to put it simply. Every day, I earned around $500k-1mil from just selling the katanas and jetpacks I earned from killing people (Yes, I was a scumbag). With this new found wealth, I was able to join a gang called 'Rebellion' and started getting known within the GTM5 community. (Footage from a wingsuit gang fight: )

    Also with this wealth, I was able to put $2mil each day into the lottery, and I quickly ended up getting rich. I had earned around 6mil in around a week, as well as finding new teammates and getting known within the GTM5 community. With this, I ranked up to godfather, completing my original goal of ranking up to godfather, however I wanted to continue collecting items to start an 'empire' on GTM5.

    I continued with my scummy tactic of killing people with homing launchers (Related video: ), fingerlickin was a teammate of mine at a time). I ended up becoming one of the most known players on GTM5, leading me to meet two people, JustACryingHorse and Hells_Revenge.

    Hells_Revenge was the richest person on GTM5 at the time, with JustACryingHorse being close behind him. I originally had a shaky start with them, however eventually became friends with them. This also lead me to meet FuturisticChaos (I don't remember much about him, because he was banned shortly after I met him).

    Me, Horse and Hell started dominating GTM5, and we were the richest among the community. However, Horse and Hell were suddenly permanently banned one day, leaving me by myself. (We still kept in touch on discord - more on this later). However, I won a fan art contest from GTM and won 500 crowbars, which I won 15 permits from, which I turned into a gang house.

    However on 26th October 2017 I got helper from RoyalSkid. This completely changed the way I played GTM since I needed to stop playing as much, and actually focus more on hackers and helping people. When I first got helper, I was hated a lot. Nobody knew me since I was from GTM5, one of the smaller servers, and it was my first time joining GTM1, leading to a lot of people to ask 'Who the fuck I was'.

    I was called a 'randy helpop' for around a month, until the community got to know me and it eventually blew over. Around this time, I met a few new teammates on GTM5, IJujuI, iammomba, DiamondHunter17E, and Grandacity. I was accepted into Grandacity's gang, and it was such a great time.

    However Grandacity suddenly got demoted and banned (I won't get into the details), and I decided to start a new gang, in-order to keep our teammates together. My gang quickly became the best on the server, and the member count kept increasing and increasing, until we dominated the server. This also led to me quickly increasing in wealth, and in-order to compensate for this, I purchased a new 50 permit house on the island behind bank.

    Shortly after this, on the 29th December 2017, I was promoted to moderator. This was another big change for me since it meant I had to do a lot more as a staff member, however I was looking forward to the new responsibilites (Depsite not recieving my permissions until 2 months after I was promoted). This gave me even more responsibilites, but I was ok with that since I was already not pvping as much.

    The start of 2018 were some of the best memories I had for my gang, and I still have memories of us messing around, playing games and dueling each other and it was honestly some of the best times I had on GTM. I continued growing my empire, and eventually moved into a 90 permit house in-order to compesnate for my growing collection of items.

    In April of 2018, hells_revenge contacts me again asking how to appeal, I show him and he got accepted. This meant there was now another player in the gang. I showed him everything that had changed and it was just like last year (without horse). Me and hell always used to go jetpack katana and just dominate everybody.

    However, around this time was when I really started earning my fortune. I decided to invest in the lottery again since the pot was increasing, and my money just kept increasing. At my peak, I had 75mil, and hell was getting close to 150mil. This was when the economy started crashing.

    A few months later, JustACryingHorse also appealed, and also got accepted. We had the old gang back together, and it was a real throwback to over a year ago. We continued getting richer and richer and times were good.

    However, I decided to leave the staff team due to certain reasons, as I wanted to take a break for a bit from GTM.

    I came back to GTM when the transfer was announced.

    Looking back, I believe this point was the downfall for me. I was moving from being an empire on a small server, to being just another player on a much larger server. I ended up selling everything I had, earning me 100mil to take into GTM1.

    Shortly after, I found myself two good premium houses and decided to settle down a bit and quit for 1 month. I returned for a bit after the weapon change, however I thought it was just repetitive. This was when I slowly started reducing my time on GTM, until I just stopped. And that's where I am today.

    - iTraitor <3

    (I apologise if I left anybody or anything out, but there's just so much to write about, and even this has been shortened down immensly, I could probably write a chapterbook about)

    (Also I apologise about spelling/grammatical errors, lmk if there are anyway and I'll change them)

    Screenshots from my time throughout GTM:

    (First hacker I ever caught, this was around 10 minutes after I got helpop, you can see people complaining in the chat about me)
  2. xMini

    xMini Thug

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Planet Earth
    You didnt even include the two faggots names xMini_ and Cloysto who used scummy tactics on GTM5. You also didnt include the asshole wing homer named xMini_...
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  3. Owendog77

    Owendog77 Pimp

    Dec 13, 2017
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    This is probably the most interesting gtm backstory ive ever heard and probably has the most veriety, i started playing gtm right before the boom and i remember what it was like (it was the best).

    Also i have to dislike you now for the bugs you abused, i never even knew about the minigun bug.

    Thx for sharing!!!!!!!!!!
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  4. iTraitor

    iTraitor Mugger

    Sep 20, 2017
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    United Kingdom
    I believe the minigun bug only happeend on GTM5, but correct me if I’m wrong
  5. Cursed

    Cursed Canadian Ping Abuser

    Aug 2, 2018
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    Wow that's a long story.
  6. Owendog77

    Owendog77 Pimp

    Dec 13, 2017
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    I dont think thats possible unless gtm5 had an extra plugin that glitched it, either way it happened and i never knew about it.
  7. Dieheldernaar

    Dieheldernaar Manager / Build Team Manager Build Team Builder

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Administrator on the GrandTheftMinecart network.
    Cool story my dude @iTraitor, your story is quite comparable to mine.
    • Litty Litty x 1
  8. Cursed

    Cursed Canadian Ping Abuser

    Aug 2, 2018
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    It's definitely possible.
  9. SkylixMC

    SkylixMC Verified Straighter than a Straight Ruler Staff Member Developer

    Sep 20, 2017
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    Lixing Minecraft
    In the Sky
    Wow. I'm disappointed. Hated those darn Karuma fags. -5 rep points.

    Just wanted to put it out there, that before the economy got ruined, I had farmed 23 mil or something. I was a money titan at the time. Good ol' days.

    Wow... Really...? -18 rep points.

    I worked really hard to bother the management at the time to get rid of that glitch..
    (Looking back at this post... its... cancer, and I don't usually use that word.)

    I think he gets banned again too actually xD

    Interesting stuff! ;)

    I also posted my GTM story a while back in this thread:
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2018
  10. Owendog77

    Owendog77 Pimp

    Dec 13, 2017
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    A hacker does not abuse a glitch in minecraft, they actually use one of the great things about minecraft to give themselves unfair advantages.

    A hack is litterally just a mod that gives advantages to the player using it typiccly through the launcher.

    Minecraft is designed for people to be able to easily modefy it, its meant for good but there are always those people that have to abuse it.

    The most effective way to prevent hackers is to make everybody use the same client thats designed for equality. Since cheatbreaker was a flop the best option would be badlion client which some servers are already doing/reccomending.

    Of course this isn't an option because of gtm's diversity, need for new players, uniqueness, and honestly ive noticed a decent number of MAC users.
  11. PuppyRyan

    PuppyRyan Thug

    Sep 21, 2017
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    I Honestly Remember the days all my Friends either got banned or quit, and I used to Chill in the spawn for a long time. I also Remembers those 'og' Staff Members such as: LoafChibi, Samurai, xBone, xXD3STROYERXx, and many more. I also remember the time i killed someone in a alley way and it glitched so he instantly respawned where he died, so i instantly got around 100-200 kills on the spot. The Good ol' days are over with the dead GTM Community and everyone 'og' Gone.