Grand Theft Minecraft Tutorial Hello everyone, in the past few days i made a tutorial for new players. I made this tutorial so new players have a bit understanding what GTM is about if they did not find enough information ingame. This can also be used for players that are already playing longer. So let's start out. Everything that is called “Grand Theft Minecraft” will be said as “GTM”. To start out When you first join Grand Theft Minecraft, then you will come in the hub. At the server warper you can choose where to go; Grand Theft Minecraft (GTM) ViceMC Creative This tutorial is especially made for GTM. So no talking about Vice or Creative. GTM Server Resource Pack You got a high chance you see players walking with Diamond Swords. That means you don't got the server resource pack. Our SR Mod @JustNassim made a great tutorial for the resource pack including a link to the video about the recourse pack from our other great SR Mod @DieHeldernaar: ! GTM When you click on the Server Warper and on “GTM”, then you can choose for 6 different GTM’s. GTM1 is the server with the most player base. GTM6 is the one with the lowest player base. We got 2 different languages for the GTM’s. GTM1 English GTM2 English GTM3 English GTM4 German GTM5 English GTM6 English When you joined one of the GTM’s then you will spawn in the spawn. This is where you can buy armor, food and alot more. When you are new, then it's a bit difficult to learn where everything is. So, again, our SR Mod @DieHeldernaar made a video about all the locations in the spawn: ! But you can also use /t for a small ingame tutorial. The first place to begin is the ammo shop to buy a weapon. After you bought a weapon, then you use the command /warp to go to a random warp. You will see players there and you can kill them. After you killed somebody, then you earn some money cash. To transfer that fast to your bank so if someone kills you it doesn't disappear, click on your Phone - Property - Online Banking - Deposit, from there you can choose the amount or just choose everything. After you killed some people you can use the command /spawn to get back to the spawn. That is obviously GTM. You kill people, earn money, buy better weapons and rankup. And alot more After you made some money then you can use /rankup to rankup to unlock better weapons and alot more! You can also use the command /ranks to see what the items are that you will unlock. Prices Each item has its own worth on every GTM. Most of the prices are different on each GTM. And again, our SR Mod @DieHeldernaar made a simple list with almost every item his worth on any GTM: ! IRL/Donor deals IRL deals, also called Donor deals are deals when someone buys you something in store and you pay them ingame money or items. The standard price on each GTM is around 200k each $. That means something for 10$ costs the other player 2 mil. Since there arent alot of players paying the real money, players are paying more. Most people are paying 300k - 500k each $. We also got some very rich players that are paying 1 mil each $ but that isn't happening a lot. Watch out tough, alot of people scam. I got scammed sometimes. If you want to get refunded if someone scams you, then make sure: That you have proof (screen or video, video is the best) That the player is a ranked player (VIP+) That you made a thread on the forums telling what the person pays and is giving for the deal and that you both agree. Example: DieHeldernaar: I will give JustNassim 1 mil and 5 Katanas for 100 crowbars. I agree, do you agree JustNassim? JustNassim: I agree Voting, crowbars and tokens There are 5 sites to vote on. You can vote by using the command /vote. Every vote on each site will give you; 2 crowbars, 2 tokens and 2k money. Sometimes, you earn double vote. That means you get the same rewards, but then twice as much! Houses and Permits In the map we got money houses and premium houses. Money Houses: Most of the times appartements and sometimes small houses, the price is 25k each chest. So an apartment with 2 double chests costs 100k. Money houses are starting at 50k. Premium Houses: Both apartments and houses. Each 1 permit is one chest. Permitted houses and apartments are starting around 8 permits. Some premium houses also have a trashcan, a place to sell weapons and more in. A trashcan costs an extra 5 permits. How to get Permits: You can get permits by buying them at the store (you can also access the store ingame by using the command /store) , by getting them out of crates or by buying them with tokens with the command /tokenshop. Discord - Twitter - Facebook Discord: We also have a Discord server. You can reach the link by using the command “/discord”. We use the Discord server especially for announcements, to chill out, and to organise community meetings. Community Meetings are meetings where everyone can join and suggest their ideas. It's also an easy way to contact staff members or other players. Twitter: Mostly used for giveaways and announcements. Facebook: Mostly used for announcements. Forums The forums is a place for a lot of things. We use it for announcements, discussions, bugs, suggestions and alot more. Its a bit like Discord. You can also apply for Helper or Builder. It's also a place for appeals, when we ban a hacker, then a hacker can appeal on the forums. We decide if we unban the player, let him wait out the ban or simply lower the ban. This is the same for mutes. Basic rules We allow a lot but we have some basic rules. Basically we don't want people to spam, to disrespect staff, and misuse the function of /help or /report. Of Course we have some more rules, please use /rules for that ingame. Commands All rank commands: /warp (Tp’s you to a random warp) /spawn (Tp’s you the spawn) /pay player amount (Pays a player with cash money) /rules (Shows all the rules in chat) /suicide (Commits suicide..) /vote (Opens the window for voting and more) /kit (Opens the window to choose your kit) /tokenshop (Opens the tokenshop) /crowbars (Shows how much crowbars you have) /tokens (Shows how much tokens you own) /discord (Gives the Discord invite link) /store (Gives the link from the store) /ranks (Shows all the ingame ranks) Donor rank commands: /tpa name (Tp’s you to a player) /tpahere name (Tp’s a player to you) /fix (Fixes your broken items, for example a Jetpack) /sell (Opens the trashcan, only in spawn or house)
Sorry for deleting everyone's comment, i just had to clear it up so i could paste the other languages as well <3
GTM rate list Okay, so this is just a ROUGH ESTIMATE of what the rare items in game rate on gtm1. If you dont agree with this or think I missed an item, please PM me on discord(epicandnice6431) Blue rasta:2mil-5mil Green rasta:5mil-7mil Easter eggs/chocolate of any color:50k-100k Candy canes:50k-100k Any Christmas items:The amount of candy canes times 50k-100k Halloween helmet:15mil-30mil ILuvU helmet:10mil Any of the pirate/ninja set:12mil Any items that have a mods name in it: 5mil or more Good fish:7mil or more Santas Milk:7mil or more Gold minigun:2mil if it has 2 bars of damage and no stars, 200k if it has 1 bar of damage and 1 star
TBH i didn't even know half of this stuff existed. Also these are gtm1 prices, i traded a candycane on gtm4 for 10 wings (about 1 mil)
Once an item reaches the 5 mil mark it's kinda immeasurable because nobody REALLY knows if there are 1, 2... in existance.
@DieHeldernaar made a similar post a few months ago. Its not updated though.
The difference between my rate list and his is that mine revolves more around the unobtainable items, as opposed to his where he rates the items that u can see every day
I feel bad for flamethrowers, there pretty rare but only cost 100K... and nobody truly knows if there good for pvp because y would you carry a 100K item around while grounding?!?!? Especially if it's range is only like 10 blocks.
I'd say it's better cuz mini has bad accuracy at long range but flames have that fire tick if they run