Grenade launcher WAY too overpowered

Discussion in 'Bugs and Suggestions' started by DesiredFight, Jul 14, 2018.


Should the grenade launcher be nerfed?

  1. Yup!

    4 vote(s)
  2. Nope!

    0 vote(s)
  3. idk man

    1 vote(s)
  1. DesiredFight

    DesiredFight Hobo

    Jul 14, 2018
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    I just wanted to make a suggestion on here, telling the staff team that the grenade launcher is EXTREMELY overpowered on GTM6. It's extremely unfair for anyone that's starting out or anyone who doesn't own a mini-gun. It's ridiculous and very unrealistic. Anyone can go ahead and spam you with one and you can't do a single thing about it seeing they're spamming you with it and you're basically stunned in your position as they spam it. The only thing you can do in this situation is to attempt to shoot them with a weapon like an assault rifle or a shotgun, but let's be honest, that never works out when you're not able to move and you have the big damage disadvantage. The range on the grenade launcher is ridiculous, it can hurt you from through walls, it's blast radius is out of this world.

    I think it at least needs to be nerfed to where it either doesn't have a huge blast radius or it's not as spammable. There should at least be a 6-second cool-down before you can shoot it again, not 2 seconds. I mainly made this post because I was having a great time on the server until someone started coming up to me on GTM6 and repeatedly spamming me with only a grenade launcher and there was NOTHING I could do about it.

    They kept on killing me with the grenade launcher and I had nothing that I could do to stop it, seeing I was pretty much being stunned as I was getting blown up by it and it did much more damage than any of my weapons did. Not to mention that grenade launchers are pretty much RPGs with a 2-second cooldown to fire them again.

    There's already a big enough disadvantage to people not using the minigun, but now there's a HUGE disadvantage to people not using a grenade launcher. Now, I know that you can prevent someone spamming you with grenade launchers, but the only way to do that is if you minigun them, grenade launcher them back or you fly away with a jetpack, glider, etc.

    In conclusion, I think that grenade launchers should be massively nerfed by either their damage or their blast radius. They're just way too overpowered. There's not much you can do to stop someone from spamming you with it, especially if you're new to the server, which is the case most of the time.

    Thanks for taking your time to read this post.
  2. Owendog77

    Owendog77 Pimp

    Dec 13, 2017
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    The staff team has known about these balancing issues for well over a month, were waiting on the devs which may take until the end of summer.