Currently, anyone who is caught using any hacks, including Fly Hacks is subjected to a 7-day ban on the first offense, and a permanent ban on the second offense. But, I think Fly hacking should be allowed. And here is why. First reason. Jetpacks and Wingsuits, currently the only legal way to fly, pollute the environment... a lot! Jetpack fuel, something that both Jetpacks and Wingsuits need, must be burnt in order to generate the thrust to lift your fat body off the ground. This, in turn, releases potent greenhouse gases in to the atmosphere. These greenhouse gasses are very dangerous to the environment and the primary cause for climate change and global warming. But before you ignore this off as fake news, hear me out. If you have ever played on the GTM1 server, you are probably familiar with Penguu, the poor homeless penguin. Penguu's parents abandoned him as a child at the ripe age of 4. Why do you suppose they abandoned him? How did Penguu become homeless? The answer is climate change! Due to global warming, the polar ice caps near the poles are melting! This affects many arctic species such as Penguins. According to an article by LISA FELDKAMP, Will Polar Bears Die Our Because of Climate Change, Lisa mentions, Fly hacking doesn't pollute the environment, and in turn, doesn't have effects such as making poor penguins homeless. Animals like Penguu are rapidly becoming homeless because of the climate change caused by the Jetpacking and Winging. Fly hacking is the way to a greener future! The second reason. Fly hacking is accessible to everyone. In fact, here, go download some fly hacks HERE. Anyways, on the other hand, Jetpacks are complex machines that are hard to manufacture, requiring expert engineering. Even wingsuits require precise engineering and balance for proper aerodynamics. For this reason, they are very costly and require immense skill to use. Even if you can afford a jetpack or a wingsuit, the expensive fuel prices will surely get you! In fact, anyone below mobster cant use Jetpacks at all! Anyone below mobster, a 2.5 million dollar upgrade in its self, cannot access the Jetpacks. But fly hacking, which already is very easy to control, is free and requires no fuel! So wanna save some money? I say we switch to fly hacks! Third reason. Fly hacking is much more configurable. Jetpacks, for example, are just locked at one mundane speed... But fly hacking, on the other hand, is very configurable! You wanna go the speed of light? Done. You wanna fly slower then a snail, also possible. This will help us reach our destinations better in a more timely manner! The fourth and final reason. Fly hacking is safer. Ever accidentally landed too hard with that Jetpack or Wingsuit? Fly hacking will solve that issue too! Most fly hack clients come with an advance, reliable feature called NoFall. You will never die because some stupid jetpack with no safety feature didn't start flying even after your double tapped space, or because of the wingsuit insta-killed you even when you didn't even land too hard... I think now I have made it pretty clear that both Jetpacking and Wingsuiting, SUCK. There is a cheaper, better, and a cleaner alternative, and that is Fly hacking. Fly hacking should be allowed for the greater good of all of us! I think we should all just be smart and switch to Fly Hacks just like this extremely intelligent sponsor... Disclaimer, this thread is a joke. Fly hacking is cheating and will never be allowed. If you are found using hacks or any illegal modifications, you will be banned! No hacks were used in the making of this thread.