1. What did you do just before this bug happened? There was two parts into this there was the houses issue when I was using my alt on this link here that no cared about https://grandtheftmc.net/threads/lost-my-items-in-a-reboot.6139/ and when I got back from my trip I got so happy and I got 10 permits from crowbars I alredy had 8 permits that I buy. there for in total I had 20 permits. What should have happened? What should of happened is that when I came back from my trip I have never lost my permit house I was gone the whole time without doing anything i just had complains about my freind why did i sell it when i was not online there whole point what happened instead? what happened was that I came back from my trip and lost all my jetpacks and katanas with my friends when I did not do anything people are telling that there is a role back. the House I got is at povery the permit number house is 43. I went on my trip at 11/5/18 to 11/13/18 in that time everything is gone I want my stuff back and my 20 permits thanks ,8qq
Please make a supportticket https://grandtheftmc.net/support-tickets/open And 10+8 = 18 and not 20?????