Hi I got scammed on GTM 4 by a guy called mc_flinne. He said he wanted to sell me a dildo for 40,000$ but when I payed him he didn't give me the dildo. He said he scammed over 40 people and it would be allowed. Is that true?
In-game scamming is allowed. Try using the command /trade next time when you want to trade with someone.
Unfortunately, scamming is allowed, and I completely sympathize with you. Because a long time ago (1 year!) I was where you are . Back then /trade didn't even exist! Kind of a funny video. Some of you may have seen it before. So with that said, I can almost promise you, that you will get over, and wouldn't even remember this minor setback. Good luck on your journey through GTM!
The chance of finding one might have been lower back then, but you can find one in a chest if you look for 5 minutes.