My Early GTM Misadventures

Discussion in 'Grand Theft Minecart' started by SkylixMC, Mar 19, 2018.

  1. SkylixMC

    SkylixMC Verified Straighter than a Straight Ruler Staff Member Developer

    Sep 20, 2017
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    I can trace my GTM history all the way back to the 21th of January in 2017. Well, technically actually, that wasn't me. That was my brother. It was my younger brother who actually found and started playing GTM on SkylixMC. I shortly followed joining him on an alt. We were a duo.

    I found GTM a bit diffrent from other GTA servers. First, unlike other servers I had played, the crates were not per player. They were global. Many GTA servers I had played before allowed multiple people to loot the same chest. Additionally, the gun models were amazing. On most other GTA servers, the gun models where pretty basic and 2D. Over that, something that entirely diffrentiated GTM from other GTA servers was the cars. On other GTA servers, cars were just minecarts. But GTM didn't only have incredible car models, but it had helicopters, planes, and boats. My brother and I were impressed to say the least.

    I also remember looking at the donor board at one point. And as I reached to the highest rank, I was like damn, 100 or 200 dollars, I'll never get that rank. At best I was thinking about buying premium. Its funny thinking about that, since before becoming staff, through purely donor deals, I reached sponsor. I couldn't have ever imagined that!

    Few days in to playing GTM, my alt, or the account I started playing GTM was banned for "Kill Aura," by a HelpOP. Yes HelpOPs were able to ban back then. I was suprised, since I didn't even remebered using any melee weapons! I had been false banned. I went on SkylixMC, at the time my brother's account, asking why I was banned. I said that my friends account was banned, fearing, if I said brother, SkylixMC would also be banned for ban evasion. Anyways, I was told to create a ban appeal.

    I am not sure if you guys know this, but a long time ago, I was actually a hacker. It was years ago, when I was much younger and dumber. In fact, it was back in the September of 2015. So this was to be one of my first legit appeal, where I was actually, falsely banned. I created an appeal, and waited. Days later no response. I knew we were not supposed to post an appeal out of the appeals section but it had been days and no one responded. So I posted a public post which was finally seen by a manager at the time, Samurai629. He finally unbanned since the HelpOP who banned me did so wrongfully without proof. He then apologized and promised to look into it.

    During this time, I still very much was a noob. At one point I was even scammed. During this time I didn't even know scamming was allowed, and /trade didn't even exist! So I recorded and uploaded the video of poor me getting scammed the only valuable thing I had, only to find out it was allowed... In this video you will see that very scam. You will also see an adorable HelpOP named Fire_Blaze in chat who is no other then our lovely admin, @JJrocks2001. This video was posted just one day after my brother first joined GTM.

    Around a week later, I can trace my very first hacker report. This unlike my previous ban, was a real hacker. So here it is. Presenting you, my very first hacker upload!

    This was the time, my brother who had originally found GTM started getting bored of it. He lost interest. He said, "I don't even recognize half the people you teamed." Slowly, I completely took over SkylixMC, and became the Skylix you all know and love (maybe). In the future I have made several attempts to get the good ol' Sky bro interested in GTM again but, it hasn't worked out so far..

    Now for the funny story of the first person I ever teamed. Well, apart from a friend (BlackDezzy) who I had invited to play GTM with us. While PvPing, me and BlackDezzy came across a player named ElementChaos (if I recall correctly.) Long story short, we destroyed him. He kept coming back. And when he'd stop, we would say things like, come back give us more stuff. And damn the kid wasn't bad. It took me and BlackDezzy in our tryhard mode to kill him. So we thought hey, let's ask him if he has Skype or anything and if he wanted to team. And well, as you probably guessed, he did. ElementChaos became a valuable friend and teammate quick. Through him, we even met new friends expanding our circle of influence and progressing towards who we are today.

    Now, back to being false banned! In the late Feburary of 2017, I was yet again false banned. But this time on my main, SkylixMC. Again, I was banned for Kill Aura when the only weapon I used was a gun. Lucky for me I was recording, and in fact I had been for the past 1 hour. When I appealed, it was denied, probably because I posted the appeal before my upload was finished. Again, I posted with my recording breaking the rules in the public forums (bad boy SkylixMC)... I titled my post specifically addressed to Samurai629, who yet again saved me bottom, and unbanned me. The mod who banned me later also false banned some friends, also for KA, when they were just using guns. Unfortunately though, unlike me, my friend wasn't recording. Furthermore, we never were able to prove that, that mod was indeed abusive. Anyways, here is the 1 hr long video I got banned in:

    I feel like though at least in my case, I was unbanned, my false bans gave me a reason to become staff. I felt as if I was staff, I could make a difference, and question and stop these possibly corrupt staff members. So though it would be another several month, when I applied for staff, I used this as the primary reason to why. And today, I am proud to say I did achieve that goal. I did indeed save a few players like me, who had been falsely banned. Over that, I became a part and helped shape a better staff team. I feel like today, the GTM staff team is more just and over all better then ever in its history. And again, I can proudly say, I helped do that!

    These early misadventures helped shape, the "me" we know today not just as a player or a staff member, but also as a person in general. I have been playing GTM for over an year now. Although a lot has changed over a year, GTM is and was my server. It's my home and everything. This virtual world means a lot to me. So tell me your early misadventures on GTM! How long have you played GTM? Lets get a conversation going!
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    Last edited: Mar 19, 2018
  2. Owendog77

    Owendog77 Pimp

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Wow!!!!! Great story!!!!!

    I to was told about this server, my friend and i were looking for a server to play and grind the fuck out of and we wanted to play a gta server. He found gtm and i remember my exact words... "get on and tell me if its good".

    This was the moment that i got adicted, i had never seen such an advanced server that used particals as bullets and not snowballs. I had never seen retextured cars, i had never seen jetpacks on a server, i had never seen such a wonderful creation.

    Unfortunately my friend quit after about a month, here i am still going strong. I also remember looking at the wall of donor ranks and thinking fo myself "i'll never have that" yet today i do.

    Gtm is a wonderful server that shows how hard people work to make it what it is, it shows the dedication and commitment that the staff team put into keeping the streets clean of druglords and godfathers Jk.

    I hope i never quit gtm, but theres an end to everything on earth. Someday we will all quit playing minecraft, someday we will all quit playing video games, someday we will all stop playing the game of life... but not today, today is a day to appreciate what we have and make it better! today is a day to tell the world how great our creation is!! today is a day to use our resources to create something that all can enjoy!!! today is a day for gtm!!!!!
    • Like Like x 2
  3. Janigaming

    Janigaming Hunter Supreme

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Oof long story xD
  4. JustNassim

    JustNassim Hobo

    Dec 24, 2017
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    Interesting stories. I don't really have a "big" story nor the time, so I'll pass xD. I have been playing GTM for 3-4 months.
  5. PuppyRyan

    PuppyRyan Thug

    Sep 21, 2017
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    You Know Admin Mishel2 Never applied :)
  6. SkylixMC

    SkylixMC Verified Straighter than a Straight Ruler Staff Member Developer

    Sep 20, 2017
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    Actually, no. Wow. @Mishel2 that could make forr a great story!
  7. MrNoisyRay

    MrNoisyRay Senior Moderator

    Oct 2, 2017
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    Wow thats just awesome story dude!
  8. Lemongrab

    Lemongrab Thug

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I joined the server in late of October in 2017 after I saw my younger brother, _Avagrace_ play for a bit. He didn’t know that there was a trash can to sell stuff in for the first week he was playing before me, so he only got to around criminal when I got on. The first thing I had done was /t and I quickly found out that you can sell weapons and as I told him he had told me that he had been ditching tons of guns. After that, I really sped ahead in ranks, and I’ve made many friends along the way, I met colepop5 (rest his account) by logging on to the server with Vicecraft and saying, “I’m playing in VR, msg me if anybody plays VR!” He immediately msg’d me and we got in discord together and really hit it off. I also met LilxMan and xFluff right around the same time, those two were great teammates, they really helped me along during the final ranks, when I was putting everything I had into ranking up. I remember often wanting to quit because I had nothing but kits to use. Those two kept me coming back, I started using the advanced and got good at it *insert noobs crying*. Those two have either faded away or been banned. A bit after I had met those two, I met my current teammate and my good friend @iDoWeed . Couple of weeks later and I get banned by Grandacity, much like how Skylix was false banned, I was banned for KA and I never touched meele, so I was confused. He later SS’d me and found nothing, he claimed there was a “framing video,” but I was suspicious since he sent a video link of a removed video. Some time later after I had grinded on GTM3, getting myself VIP and Premium through a mix of donor deals and friends, and getting things like the clausinator, I had really maxxed out on GTM3. I moved over to GTM1 sometime in January, now it was a bit of a struggle, but I enjoyed the difficulty and being scared almost and playing mind games with the mini gunners. I mostly made my money fast by tear gassing mini users and just shooting them with an advanced before they had time to react. Again fast forwarding, this times to about to early February, I was GF, and I had tons of excess cash on my hands, just about 8.4M, and somehow I managed to get phillyroll to get me elite for 8m. It was just about a couple weeks later that another one of my brothers started playing using iDoWeed’s extra account he had. He was paying us back in stuff for the account, he said he was getting it from killing people and that his friends were giving him some of it. That seemed fine since I knew he had some teammates, and a bit later iDoWeed got banned for suspicion of duping. I was thinking it had to have been all the stuff we had been getting from my brother, so I asked him how he REALLLY got all of it, and he showed me that he wasn’t raiding premium houses with a hack to steal from chests without be inside or added to it. Since we played on the same IP, when he got Perm IP banned, so did I. It took a little while before I was able to be checked, but in the end, me and iDoWeed were unbanned and back to playing. My brother, when I was being checked I found had just about 100M worth of stuff on GTM1. Now to the 21st of February, I am banned for, tracers, by YOU @SkylixMC , and it was nothing more than just a mix of coincidence and using F5. *P.S. @Flofin became my favorite Sr. mod from that point forward.* now just the day after I get banned by Kwon for, “flying across soccer field.” In reality it was just me boosting with my gun, but I was told I was setting off the anti-cheat left and rightly, so I can’t really blame her. Now you think, “two bans in two days, SHEESH.” I, for the third time in 2 days, got banned that very same night that kwon banned me. It was less of a ban and more of a review kind of ban since I was getting banned at an alarming rate. Now after I got unbanned for that, nothing much has happened to me. *Leave a like if you read this far, not many people will.*
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    Last edited: Mar 19, 2018
  9. Dieheldernaar

    Dieheldernaar Manager / Build Team Manager Build Team Builder

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Amazing [long...] story, I'll write mine if i have time ;)
    Pretty sad that your AMAZING Co-leader's not in the story tbh...
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Owendog77

    Owendog77 Pimp

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Wow, i had a hard time following but what i understood was really interesting.
  11. SkylixMC

    SkylixMC Verified Straighter than a Straight Ruler Staff Member Developer

    Sep 20, 2017
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    Hey, as you said, it was a mix of coincidence, and I did unban you with in a few hours... :p
    No hard feelings plz.

    And does that mean that at one point I was your favorite SRMOD :DDD?
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2018
  12. Dieheldernaar

    Dieheldernaar Manager / Build Team Manager Build Team Builder

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Okey my story,
    The first time i logged in on gtm was on 04-1-2018, the person that showed me this server was royboy11 [kind of forgot the name].
    Me and royboy were great friend for 3 years, he told me about this server and i couldn't stop playing.
    We always had quarrel becouse he asked me to play a other server, and i always told him ''nah, i like it here''.
    This quarrel went so far, that our friendship ended here.. I was simply addicted to gtm..

    I had to start playing on my own, i was farming for my rankups. But at 1 moment i met a homie called Wessel78, we started to call on skype with each other. This was my first REAL friend since a month, He spoke the same language as me and we ended up no-lifing gtm, we called every day for atleast 2 hours. We both weren't very good in the game, but we kept exploring the game and things that were good to use.
    Wessel78 slowly lost hes interest in gtm, and started to play other games, We always stayed in contact but it wasn't like back in the days.

    So i lost another friend, But i kept playing gtm since i could stop it. At one point i saw all those donors enjoying their rank, so i bought myself vip. i really enjoyed my vip, but i wanted more... So i bought myself premium, also really enjoyed that rank. After i bought this premium rank, Marik_Vdv asked me to join hes gang, i accepted this request and joined hes gang. We started to call each other and we became friends, he was one of the best players on the server at that time and i felt honored to be part of hes gang and be hes friend. We always had a call group, with players named: Jortxx, JellyMeneer, Marik_vdv, Naspun, Greenyhero, xCombolord and me, we always had great fun. But marik and me started to be more a 2 man team, we were each others best friends and always played together. There was one thing i didn't like about marik, that was that he was friends with AppeltjePascal, the richest person of the server. I pretended like i liked AppeltjePascal, but actually i didn't he always gave people free money just to make him look richer. Until AppeltjePascal gave me ''500k'', i was hyped up and loved him for life, this was the reason why i bought myself sponsor rank.
    After a few weeks, staff discovered that AppeltjePascal was duping using the pumpkin glitch. Marik_vdv and me got even closer to each other, We gave each other the password of our account. Until a day, marik got perm banned from gtm for using kill aura, This was the first time i almost quit gtm. This is when marik_vdv got on hes alt named rubberenkikker, he was premium on this account. And marik thought, lets use kill aura on this account aswell.. He never told me tho, i always thought he was VERY good. So marik got perm ip banned, i almost quited gtm once again, but i didn't. Marik apologized on not telling me anything about hes hacked client. Until the day of today, marik is still trying to make a good appeal.

    Okey so marik is perm ip banned, nothing to do about it.
    I had to move on, just like i did. I left the gang of marik_vdv and me, and applied for ''Awakening'', a gang under leading of BlackDezzy and hes noble duke SkylixMC. I always looked up to Skylix, i always thought that he was a very nice person to met. So.. I applied for awakening and actually got accepted. I got in call with BlackDezzy and SkylixMc and told them that i was 18, just to impress them, they didn't believe me but still invited me to the gang xD I had tons of fun with Skylix and dezzy. Awakening was slowly improving, until it reached the top, and the day of today we are still the best gang.

    Since i got my sponsor rank, i was talking in the chat a lot. I made lots of friends becouse of talking in the chat that much, one of those friends was Cord_VII and Lizrex. Cord was a elite and lizrex was a vip, cord asked me 1day to pay him 1million, so he could do a donor deal for sponsor. The next day i came online, and cord said: I bought myself supreme, sneaky cheatcode and 1000 crowbars and i was like... Did you donor deal it? He told me ''No, i bought it myself'', thats when cord started to do donor deals all over the server. Lizrex was done getting called ''a vip'' So he bought himself sponsor. Those guys were very good friends of me, and they still are. cord ended up having 250 million becouse of donor deals.

    Gtm was getting borring so i thought, im very active in chat, im nice to people so why don't i appeal for helpop.
    So thats what i did, i appealed for helpop, my first 2 attempts got denied, the third one got accepted, i became a new member of the staff team. My first couple of days were amazing, the staff team is very nice and funny and really keeps the spirit high.

    After 31 days, i got promoted to moderator of gtm. I didn't even think about getting promotion, i saw JustNassim getting promoted, and mix told us that theres another one. I thought, it will be jab or Xnap, but after a long time waiting [3mins :p] i got promoted. It was amazing, i really like to help the server by banning hackers, it motivates me.

    Here i am now, im moderator for 16 days, and i really enjoy it. I still like the staff team as much as the first day, and i think i will keep that thought.

    Thats my story,
    Hope you guys like it.
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  13. SkylixMC

    SkylixMC Verified Straighter than a Straight Ruler Staff Member Developer

    Sep 20, 2017
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    Damn. Now thats going too far.
  14. Dieheldernaar

    Dieheldernaar Manager / Build Team Manager Build Team Builder

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Nah, gtm is life..
    • Like Like x 1
  15. JustNassim

    JustNassim Hobo

    Dec 24, 2017
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    Another interesting story. I should share my "story" sometime ;3
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  16. Lemongrab

    Lemongrab Thug

    Nov 25, 2017
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    yeah, but you banning me led to me being perm banned for 12 days being held back from killing noobies and using the mini for the last time. And you WERE one time my favorite sr. mod, because I just reported stuff to you and you had them banned in just about a minute. I even told flofin during my interview that you were my favorite, and he was bribing me with dildos. DILDOS. I chose you over him. Not anymore.....
    • Memetastic Memetastic x 2
  17. Janigaming

    Janigaming Hunter Supreme

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Oof, I don’t have such a long story but there I go.

    I don’t know the exactly date of my first day on gtm, the only thing which i can remember that It was in April 2015 or something. I started to play on gtm1 with a good friend which I knew for 5 years (his ign is theonlyjaytje) I started to earn money slowly and didn’t even actually knew that there was an ammunition and binco (I’m smart ik) (also I didn’t knew that the mobile was working) so I always jumped into the portal and looted chests always after 5 chests or something I got to spawn (with this strategy I earned like 50k a day which is really much for a hobo) when I had 200k I saw that you can rank up and I rank upped to criminal. After a month or something I was already mugger (well actually quite slowly but yeh) this was the first actual day that I had.a jp in my hands and i thought I can fly with it, so I bought some fuel some carrots and a knife, oh I forgot something (I didn’t even know that there were more warps then the forest for like 3 months) so I spawned at the Forrest and tried to fly for a halfen our. Then I got killed by a godfather. A month after this my friend (TheOnlyJaytje) account got hacked and he quitted gtm. So I was a loner for really long and I made it till dealer without any help/team mates. On a day a player asked me to team with him and we became friends (Redtoxe, prem) (Byeti, elite) I was very happy with them but I was the only one without a rank so I thought let’s buy vip. After I got vip I played like 3 months without something special happenings. I started to think about to buy premium and I did. (I didn’t even were a godfather). After a month my “friend” betrayed me but he forgot to unadd me from his prem house so I raided it and sold all the loot, this was the point when I ranked up to godfather. I was a loner again for 1 month. Then I saw a giveaway of cruee on forums for free supreme so I thought just let’s try and no, I didn’t won but the player that won didn’t react so it got randomnized again and think what? Then I won when my “friend” that betrayed me saw that I had supreme he wanted to team again, I thought no wtf gold digger. And again, Jani was loner for 1 month but then I met mishel2isgod and we became friends I bought vip and premium for him and also 250 crowbars, also for me I bought 20 permits and 5000 crowbars but then mishel2isgod started to hack and earned money so he said hey jani why you don’t start hacking to? So I thought okay let’s try it and yes I hacked, I earned mich money with it but got banned by pistanmarc. When my Ban ended I heard that mishel2isgod was perm banned and quitted and that he gave all his money to Deaqon which is my friend now to, but that asshole of an mishel2isgod didn’t gave me anything, even tho I bought vip and prem for him. This was the point when I started teaming with Deaqon, El_torro_mats, Jenva02 and gijsbing2007. We were just playing for a while on gtm and when vice s2 started we switched to vice. I’m the happy co owner of the 2. Place cartel named “brothers”. 2 weeks ago the player gijsbing2007 which was a friend for 2 years actually raided us and thought that he can switch to another cartel and win but no, that raid made us even stronger. And now it’s today we’re making easily 15 million a day if we want and are able to win. This was my story of gtm!
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  18. MixLogic

    MixLogic Author of GTM Code of Conduct Supreme

    Sep 20, 2017
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    United States
    Very interesting stories! Maybe I should do one of these
  19. Owendog77

    Owendog77 Pimp

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Jees, if my english teacher asks us what we read for an hour last night i will have the cringiest answer in the class.
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 4
  20. Owendog77

    Owendog77 Pimp

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Please do!!!!!
    • Agree Agree x 1