What if we added a minigame called fortnite? Lemme explain... We start with the bassics, 20 players are placed in retextured minecarts that fly over the map all players have invis until they drop. At a certain level the players get an elytra automaticly equipped that cant be taken out of fly mode that lowers them to the ground. Once landed the players can find guns spread out all over the map Simple retexturing and balancig of the guns can make them really similar to fortnite guns. Remove the health and hunger bar from the screen and use the wither bars for sheild and health. Give each player jump boost to make it more like fortnite and if the devs want, speed. You can retexture food to make them into slurp juices, chug jugs... You can build using 5x5 block structures in which you can use a axe to add windows and doors. Winners of each round are rewarded with crowbars, tokens, money, and rarest of all... a permit. Chances of permits as well as how much of a single reward you get depend on your donator rank. Money and permits are redeemable on the server of your choosing via the rewards app on your cell phone. Pls leave suggestions in the comments!
I personally like this idea, since the guns in GTM are really great and creative, and honestly in my opinion, the guns in GTM are my favorite. It's just probably a matter of time and how this event will be held up.
The hopes of the minigame are that if it turns out good it will attract some big youtubers. Meaning more players to populate servers 3,4,5,6 and occasionally 2 As well as more players to donate to the server.
Sounds like an Awesome gamemode to me. It would be awesome as well if their were different classes in this gamemode like the Assault Gunner Class which has a Gussen and Titanium Helmet with Kevlar pants and boots which made you have a little bit more speed, but also you had the ability to get better weapons.
Similar ideas have been inputted but if we were to do something like this it would be closer to a battle royale and we can’t call it Fortnite.
I understand, certain very large minigame servers (hint hint) have released battle royale games but they are just simply not good.
U guys know that fortnite is dying atm. Slowly but it is dying. Its abt weeks untill the ytbers stopp producing fortnite videos. It had and has a hype, but exactly like pokomon go it is going to die. Concept: good