What do you think is the worst kind of hacker??? I personally don't care if you use chest esp, speed, fly, free cam, or x-ray to find chests, however when you use hacks to kill people it's not cool at all... I personally think the worst kind of hackers are fly and speed hackers who kill mini gunners and JP'ers with katanas... However in normal PvP the worst is by far reach hackers, it's possible to beat a kill aura hacker but with reach it is nearly impossible (especially with the jigsaw client which claims to give players "infinite" reach) Aim assist is also another bad one but you can still beat people using it But when hackers use aim assist, reach, and KA all at the same time... RIP OOPS, Forgot about regen hackers... Those pesky little buggers are extremely hard to kill for some reason.
Hackers are a real problem on gtm, We are trying to handle hackers as soon as possible when we see them. Thats why we need people to not yell a hackers name in the chat, and just use /report or gmsg. Hacking is a bad thing, When someone just earned hes first katana jp and gets killed by a fly hacker, that ruins the game for people, and thats a reason why people quit.
The thing is, we aren't completely helpless thanks to miniguns. On GTM 2, a hacker had freshly killed 3 jetpackers, all with katanas, and after placing myself in an alley, free jp katanas for me!
Flight and speed hackers are the worst, however they are also the ones that trigger the anticheat and get banned in minutes if staff are on.
I think the worst hackers are lowkey hackers. You literally cannot tell they hack. But they play by the smallest advantages (they don't turn the obvious hacks on like KA).
Definately hard to catch somebody with only half a block of reach, or extremely minute aim asist! The best way to kill a hacker us to net them! It will always stop them unless of course there using noslowdown.
I dont want to do math but this is very close to necro posting, i used to watch xTurtle on YT, thats how i learned half of the stuff i know about how to tell if sonebodys hacking. I also love hacker trolling series'.
The worst ones are who never admit they hacks even if you show them a video of them flying through space and time faster than the speed of light.