I will be paying him 16 million in GTM server 1 he will buy me: - Sneaky (cheat code) - Drugs (cheat code) - Katana (cheat code) - FUCKME (cheat code) - WINGSUIT (cheat code) - 1000 crowbars
https://gyazo.com/89ab662ed45b475087300b20c9cdc640 Here is his message to him saying that he is the account above this message. Also I knew this was super sketchy and last time I used /stats venupadhyay he had 8mil and not 16 anymore. "his friend" that UDF2_WoZza might be the owner of both accounts. Just check the ip. I also have recording of him say "bought" and of me paying him and the whole process. https://gyazo.com/d13777754f7f4d09f7533d5775979183