I would like to see a new item in the game that its soul purpose would be to get up to one spot that other wise can only be reached by flying. There is an annoying spot that is popular near crossroads on gtm 1 where the owner of the house Flyingkittens can camp from and only he can get there since his house provides him the balcony. Also since the net jump boost has been fixed besides flying there is not a way to get up there. My suggestion is building blocks that are cheap and disappear after 5 seconds of using them mainly for the purpose of reaching spots that are un reachable. Or like in Hypixle in battle Royal they have an egg and when you right click it, it makes a bridge. Can someone make something equal to this or an actual /boost to VIP and up or a gun that is used for just vertically and not horizontally.
I dont think building should ever be a part of gtm... However i have come across similar situations We could create an item that sends you 20 blocks into the air and costs like 2k in the shop. Items would be stackable and one item dissapears after each use Please leave input and suggestions
It's going to make the GTM Map grotesque for a short duration with building blocks. And if you are trying to counter someone on a balcony shooting you, I suggest Netting them when they're on the edge and then shooting them to death.
This doesn’t seem GTA themed at all as Nassim said, and this isn’t fortnite. So basically what Nassim said.