GTM - House Tutorial

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Grandacity, Oct 5, 2017.

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  1. Grandacity

    Grandacity Gangster

    Sep 23, 2017
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    After working on the staff team, it became apparent to me that some players on GTM don't know how to buy a house. Today, I will be teaching you how to properly buy a house.

    Step 1- The way you can tell if you have found a house is by seeing if there is an iron door that has a sign over it. (NOTE: Some houses have doors that don't have signs on them, the way to check is by right clicking the door and seeing if a menu pops up).

    Step 2- Some houses around the map require you to purchase them with permits while some require you to buy them with money. The way you can tell which is which is by looking at the sign above the door. If the sign says (Premium House Chests- X Permits- X {Vacant/Owned}) then you have a premium (permit) house. If not, then you have a money house. (NOTE: For doors with no signs over them, right click the door. See if it shows the head of a player in the middle of the pop-up tab. If it says Buy: $x, then you have a money house).

    Step 3- After finding the house that you would like, you must have the money or permits ready. For permits, all you have to do is right click the door of a Vacant house and click the slime ball in the middle, then the green glass panes to the left to confirm (NOTE: Permits can be bought from the IRL GTM store, redeemed with 2000 tokens by using /tokenshop, or won from vote crates). For money houses, you must have the specified amount of money in your money category on the right side of you scoreboard. From there, right click the door and proceed to buy it.

    ! You own a house now!
    • Learnables Learnables x 4
  2. UziBrick

    UziBrick Dealer

    Sep 21, 2017
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    The Hood
    Very useful guide! Thanks for making this.
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