Stolen Items From Preimum House

Discussion in 'Grand Theft Minecart' started by _Pythor, Dec 6, 2017.

  1. Micatchu

    Micatchu Mugger

    Sep 20, 2017
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    So I'm sad to inform that this is (or was) for sure 100% a glitch, because it happend to me like 3 weeks ago. I really flipped out, but well I'm never going to know who did it. For everyone answering here above that it isn't possible, well I can assure you it is.

    My premium house on GTM2 where only me and my best friend irl are added got robbed of everything except garbage. So dubs of jp's, mini's, wingsuits, titanium armour etc. at 3-4 rounds of giveaway stuff :mad: There are even people who knows who raided the house, so they have admitted it.

    I have been told that there was a glitch that you could sticky yourself into someones premium house and then access the chests. Well its clear that is what happend. Anyway it has also been told that the sticky glitch still is posibble, but that the intruder no longer can access the chests. So I really hope that the latter is true, cause I find it quite serious glitch if it would still be possible.
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