Do you know his Discord?
Ty, Idk why I did that I really don't care about this but I know how much it means to him I really hope they just keep me perm banned and unban my...
if you could help me contact MixLogic that'd be very kind~!
I was pissed off at him because he got me banned on Mineplex so I got him Ip banned and don't worry no one lost any money and their items were...
My brother Iamnotaco was also banned because I tried to scam Blazin and purposefully was trying to get banned I did not know it was a IP BAN...
I have been banned for IRL Scam However so have all my family members who are now really pissed off please unban them and I am sorry for my...
Hello, My name is xX_Zeno_Xx I was banned for donor scam however it also banned both my brothers and my sister who did nothing I am sorry for my...