Deal went successful!
Yes, i agreee.
Deal went successful He didnt have enought Priviledge to reply to thread.
I Will be paying ingame 5M for exchange, Pandas_Grave will buy me xAsami ( Sneaky cheatcode) $10 Please Write down if you accept.
Im looking for someone to do Donor deal for ( Sneaky cheatcode its $10 ) GTM 1 Paying 2.5M that makes it 200k per dollar plus the 500k to the...
He's actually just buying Vip to Premium and it is still under payed
Deal was successful
Weedtap will be buying me Heart tag limited $3.50 For 2M + Katana! Weedtap do you accept?
Successful Deal
(I Accept) 1k tokens for 2M ingame money
I’ll donate my Sponsor kit buddy