i am ready to pay what i owe to ichjitterhard. i will pay to his friend (angryhorse) insted. 125mil i owe him, after im unbanned i need 24 hours...
Me AntiPolicy will put in ID #775 + 50 million in ingame money, vs ICHJITTERHARD put in ID #855, #5, #416, #417. Flowergames best of 3. (FIRST TO...
I agree that i accept #570 + 70m that ichjitterhard will pay me
I agree
So when i get those back he gets them
Master owns 3x gasstation house for me, but he sold them? But that cant be allowed Since we made a ticket about it, and he told me there was no...
Update: + all houses people own for me, and my money
I got banned for scamming ichjitterhard. Ichjitterhard agrees to let me pay back with my houses ID:651 649 636 108 105 842 841, + some money if i...
i agree ^^
I give mrilly 250 gold wind turbine, he pays me 330mil