I pay him 30mil and he buys me a rank upgrade from premium to elite. IGN IS PVPKINGSIL I AGREE
if 'stupid' means only stealing loot i agree.
I am paying 20m to snowfade with which he orders an custom house. I wil be added to this house and be given my own chests. Also i will have a say...
I will give FeroxHD an 5$gc plus 14mil and in return he will buy me sneaky cheatcode. IGn: PVPKINGSIL I Agree
Donor Deal with godlysenpai i give him 25mil and he gives me 20$ gc my ign pvpkingsil i agree
Pls help me i lost 30 net launchers which i claimed from the blackmarketright before the reset which happend aaround 12Am (2 august). IG Name...
This isnt really a big deal for today i mean it would be nice to still get the crowbars and votetokens but the main problem is that my voting...