I agree to this deal, I will be paying the 3.6m
I am buying Moo Premium -> elite for 6 jps and 12.5mil I agree to this deal
Thanks for the 15mil (I bought him his crowbars and he got the fattest rip of all time)
I agree (is that all I have to say, I don't really know)
EDIT: If you were to go first I would be happy to fulfil this trade, but I want you to feel as though you will not be scammed and neither will I.
I would like to insure with a mod that this trade is 100% secure and that if a scam occurs, the scammer will be banned and the money/ingame money...
He just edited his message from accepted to denied.
I just completed my end (wingsuit and JP)
I am trading a jetpack and a wingsuit for elite rank with xTristqn. (I have a video of him agreeing and offering to do it.)