For awhile I've been considering aspects about GTM and what could be improved on it and what it is now. So I've got a question for you all, when...
I'm going to miss you. I never really got to know you but I knew you through the people you helped. You were incredibly kind to all players and...
To be fair GTM is rated M do not family friendly and staff can fix it. Catching glitch abusers can easily be done from a recording from a player...
Amazing update! Lots of cool changes and shout out to the Build Team for their hard work!
My dad looked over and asked if I was ok after laughing to hard
Enjoy! Is that 23 million because I don't got time to count all those zeroes man
It's the only vehicle people really use, but it takes skill. People like GTM_Addict (on /topkillers) and xxLastStand or something (9000+ kills and...
I believe 900k per chest good sir. But what's going on with Weaboo rights xD
When a person thinks about the world and how we help instead of calling people ez when they lose a fight... I like it!