If you fap while high, does that make you a weed wacker? If I purposely hit a guy with my car, is it still an accident? Why do our noses run and our feet smell? If you clean a vacuum cleaner, does that make you a vacuum cleaner? If bad words are said to be inappropiate, why do we call it adult language? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum rutrum fringilla nisl, venenatis euismod ex consectetur eu. Vestibulum neque turpis, venenatis sed mi vitae, mollis iaculis libero. Curabitur felis risus, consectetur ut eros sed, ultricies condimentum orci. Donec nec posuere ipsum. In rhoncus sapien metus, eu aliquet ex pulvinar non. Nulla facilisi. Nullam tempus maximus urna, eget lacinia felis vehicula sed. Nullam vitae ex hendrerit massa feugiat venenatis. Praesent eget vestibulum dolor.
I respect the man who kills the evil chinees spammer! Once and for all... (mix ) and meh, was much too easy death for mr hitler. I hope he suffered like hell when choking from his poison capsule