Hi guys, So I'm making a new give-away on gtm1, 2, 3, 4 & 5. There will be 10 winners in total, 2 per server. there will per winner be more than 1mil in stuff (sell value). See the prizes in the video. Join the give-away here: youtube.com/watch?v=gy1a-0VQpuk The give-away lottery ends now friday 27 October 18:00 am (CET, https://time.is/en/CET ) Sorry for the short notice, I hope a lot of you have time to join anyway. You DON'T have to be online to win. AND TO CLEAR ANY MISSUNDERSTANDING! If you win, you get access to a house to get your give-away stuff, but you will NOT be able to stay in the house. It's not a part of the prize. I know this made some people sad last time... There are trashcans in the houses to sell the stuff, but they are currently broken. I hope they will be fixed by friday, but most likely not. Anyway the winners can stay in the house for a day, so there is plenty of time going back andt forth to spawn to sell stuff. Good luck to all of you!
No worries. I always place the winners on the forum. It's difficult enough for me to find them all otherwise . I also let all winners know directly in the comments of the video.
Wow, thank you so much for hosting yet another giveaway Micatchu! You are a gift to this community <3
I'm really sorry guys, but I can only draw the winners at 18:30 CET COUNTDOWN: 1hrs You don't have to be online to win. For anyone that didn't join yet. join here: youtube.com/watch?v=gy1a-0VQpuk
AND THE GIVE-AWAY WINNERS ARE: GTM1 1. DragonzzzYT 2. IkBenThijsNiet GTM2 1. corstiaan 2. DieHeldernaar GTM3 1. Envelope439 2. MasterJayJay GTM4 1. adsfghjkl12 2. SyrexPvPXDXD GTM5 1. flori375 2. littletrickyt I will try to find you online and you will be added to the house for 1 day to get your prizes. There is a trashcan if you want to sell some of the stuff. For the rest, better luck next time . Donor deal lottery in a couple of weeks...
GG to the winners!!! Hope I win next time!!! Here's a little advertising for my GiveAway: https://grandtheftmc.net/threads/gtm1-giveaway-n°1-walter_wh1te.2076/
Congratulations to the winners! I hope I'll win next time. Thanks to Micatchu for hosting this event!
Congratulations to the winners! And thanks again Micachu for sponsoring another server wide give away, you really make a positive impact to the players of GTM.