Vice S3 suggestions

Discussion in 'Bugs and Suggestions' started by IanPeru, Aug 15, 2018.

  1. IanPeru

    IanPeru Hunter

    Sep 21, 2017
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    In the wake of Vice S2, I have contemplated some suggestions that I feel would make Vice S3 more enjoyable, if possible, than S2. So, without further ado, my suggestions.


    ATV = Affordable transport, can climb up 1 block, takes fall damage. Two players can ride, one in front, one in back, steering. When 2 players are riding, the ATV's speed and maneuverability drops slightly. The player in the back can shoot guns but can't zoom in. Usable guns in the ATV would also be limited to smaller sized weapons. Low durability

    Maverick = The GTM helicopter. Expensive, but can carry 3-4 players. The 2 players can shoot. Can fly(obviously), is able to be one shot by RPGs and Homing Launchers. Medium durability.

    Dinghy = The GTM dinghy. Averagely priced, can carry 3 players. The 2 players in the back can shoot. Can move on water, not on land. Can be destroyed by 2-3 hits by a knife.

    Tank = The GTM tank. Very expensive, can carry 5 players. One player can shoot from the top using the built in LMG. Can move on land, and can climb up 2 block high walls. The tanks cannon would shoot rounds the equivalent of 3 RPG rockets, with much further range. Has very high durability, and has some resistance to explosives, and immunity to fire. It would be worthless if you bought it for 5mil$ and it got 3 shotted by some dude with an RPG.

    NOTE: All vehicles would require fuel, the same way machines do, however vehicles can only take coal and Jetpack fuel. Fuel can be inserted by clicking on a part of the vehicle to open a GUI where fuel can be inserted into the vehicle. Vehicles can only move when they have fuel, and will stop when their fuel runs out.


    • Have all shops open and functional before opening the season.

    • Disperse purchasable items throughout the general store, instead of keeping them all in one NPC.

    • Make different places to sell your drugs. Selling everything to the guy you buy everything from is monotonous.

    • If you do add a cop system, create alleyways and back streets to use to sneak around cops. Also add a protection zone, lets say 10 blocks around spawn, so when players come to spawn they aren't immediately arrested by cops.
    Guns and Grenades:

    • Nerf rifle damage

    • Give grenades throwing delay. To prevent accidentally blowing up your own base and making sure grenades aren't abused in PVP, add a throwing timer. To throw a grenade, you'd have to hold left click. A meter would pop up and indicate how much time left until you can let go to throw it(around 2-3 seconds). This idea could also be used in GTM.

    • Add a grenade launcher attachment for rifles?
    Terrain + Terrain Editing:

    • Add a drill. Basically an item that mines blocks super quick. To be able to use it you need to purchase 2 parts; the base and the head. The head breaks over time, but a new head can be bought at a store and put back on the base. Right clicking with the drill in hand will open up a GUI where you can insert a new head. When the drills head breaks, the texture is updated to show just the base.

    • Add naturally spawning animals.

    • Add zombie pigman cops. Pigman really are best for the job because they attack when provoked and can carry an item. The Dev's could rework the pigman so that they (A) attack any nearby players and (B) carry around guns. The cops don't need to be everywhere, just pretend the Vice world is like the off-limits part of a national park and the cops are patrolling to catch any trespassers.
    Bugs that should be fixed:

    • Drug seeds spawn in water

    • Certain machines won't work even when given sufficient fuel and drugs to process

    • Shooting a gun while teleporting will cause other guns to shoot like that gun and sometimes to randomly start firing uncontrollably
    • Attacking any player causes chat to tell you that “You can’t harm players in an allied gang” (or something like that), even though I’m pretty sure cartel ally’ing isn’t a feature yet.

    • Players randomly become invisible all the time, disappearing from player view and removing their name from the player list(the list you get when you press tab). This glitch is extremely annoying and I’d like to see it fixed.
    Server Functions:

    • Remove or add a purpose for bonds

    • Create a better tutorial, or a tutorial building, like the drug building in season 1, that shows new players how to get around spawn, perform server commands, and how to farm drugs
    • Enable wingsuit use or remove the reward from crates

    • If it doesn’t exist, add the ability to ally cartels

    • Lower cost of starting a cartel to encourage more players to make them

    • Add a chat notification listing the server commands for new players

    • This one is kinda dumb, but distribute prize money in the winning cartel more evenly. One player getting 250$ isn’t really that fair, nor does that fact make joining a cartel seem more enticing to a player. Maybe lower the amount the leaders get to 250$.

    Thanks for reading my suggestions. If anyone has any questions, I’d be happy to help clarify, just tag me or reply to this.

  2. Owendog77

    Owendog77 Pimp

    Dec 13, 2017
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    At the end of S2 i found a gun glitch that fires ALL of your ammo withen a few seconds if you jitter through 1 whole mag, i went through 10K ammo in under 20 secs.

    Also the randomly spawning seeds are really, really annoying.

    We should have a pick that costs a considerable ammount of money that clears out a 5x5 area, it has EF4 and never breaks, this will make it SO much easier to clear space.

    Costs maby 1Mil... and can only be used by donators???
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. kataclar_

    kataclar_ Criminal

    Dec 7, 2017
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    • For spawn,
      • I agree with the use of those empty shops, it just looks quite sad. And in the mean time, you might consider putting back the armore shop from season 1 with all the cool armor upgrades...
      • The return of the Cop job on vice wouldn't bother me, it was a cool add in. But i don't miss it that much.
      • I would put 1 sell npc and also add a /sell command because, going all over to the npc to sell your drugs is really cool at the beginning when your production is considerably small (especially in S1, i loved going to those dealers) but when you start upgrading your farms to automatic and find yourself with 30-50 full dubs chest of drugs to sell... then it's not so cool.
      • A better tutorial and the return of the Drugs building who really helped me in my beginnings back in s1.
    • No Vehicles,
      • I feel this isn't proper to vice and would destroy the use of a jetpack, as almost nobody would use vehicles to pvp, for the simple reason that PVP does not exist in vice. Yes you do sometimes find yourself raiding other bases but I've never ever felt the need for any vehicle to be implemented.
      • Enable-ing the Wingsuit would also kill the Jetpack because players would be able to use it without having to grind. You don't need any rank to use a Wingsuit + again pvp does not exist on vice, especially not air pvp.
      • Never had any problems with the guns, so same again, i don't think it's a priority.
    • Bugs to be Fixed :
      • The Invisible glitch as said above
      • The Slow redstone, items just get stuck in hoppers and it's annoying so please fix that.
      • Re-Enable Anvils, because you can't do without them, end of conversation.
      • It's not a bug, but can you disactivate the plugin that makes drug seeds fall from the sky, so so annoying.
    • Custom world : don't change anything, it's perfect.
      • Get the NETHER and END back please!!!
    • Diversify the shop's blocks, the range was actually quite limited. Im thinking of stuff like quartz...
      • Put the fuel prices UP, otherwise the "No Fuel" cheatcode looses his value.
    • Obviously, change the ''major'' drug and change the way of production (S1 : mushrooms // S2 : cocaine // 2 different auto farms needed), otherwise it's just a remake of S2.
    • Cool add-ins :
      • Get the Easter Eggs back!
      • MAKE MORE EVENTS!!!! (this is not obsolete, this is an absolute must!). Rewards for events should things like Crowbars or Tokens so that even GTM people can just come to vice, It could get more people into it and it would be nice for the regular vice players to see some movement and some life at some moments.
    I think I went threw all I hope to see on Vice S3.

    EDIT : When I talk about the use of the Jetpack, i'm refering to the fact that it's mainly (only) used to travel faster and so adding vehicles or wings would give the ability to new players to go very far right at the beginning.
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  4. kataclar_

    kataclar_ Criminal

    Dec 7, 2017
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    Allying other cartels already exists, and I think it also existed in S1. That might be why you couldn't shoot on those guys ?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. iTraitor

    iTraitor Mugger

    Sep 20, 2017
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    Honestly, my one wish is that vice is advertised the same way as it is with GTM. Vice has a lot of potential, it is a fully unique and custom drug factions gamemode like no other (Seriously, just think about it, isn’t it incredible it’s all in VANILLA minecraft.) If GTM just advertised vice right with the correct target audience, they could probably get 50+ players constantly online.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  6. IanPeru

    IanPeru Hunter

    Sep 21, 2017
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    If Vice migrated from GTM it could become a huge server(not trying to give anyone any ideas).

    The randomly spawning seeds are frustrating, but they help new players get started. Also a 5x5 excavation pic would be nice. Limiting it to donors seems a little too P2W though.

    For the spawn part of your post: [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    But maybe not the /sell command. That might give the higher ranking players too much power.

    For the vehicles part of your post: I feel inconsiderate saying this, but almost nobody cares about the jetpack on Vice. There were multiple times during the season where you couldn't GIVE AWAY a jetpack. This is because the jetpack requires a high in-game rank or high donor rank to use, and most of the F2P'ers out there are contempt at staying at Falcon. I feel adding vehicles would create a goal out there for the less known players. Also, if vehicles were added, Vices PVP problem could(could, not would) be solved. Imagine a Mad Max scenario where players battle it out above ground in vehicles. I don't know about you but that sounds SUPER FUN to me.

    For the bugs to be fixed part of you post: [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    For the custom world part of your post: [​IMG], we need a modifiable nether.

    For the rest of your post: [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    @kataclar_ @Owendog77 @iTraitor Thanks for the feedback :D
  7. Dieheldernaar

    Dieheldernaar Manager / Build Team Manager Build Team Builder

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Administrator on the GrandTheftMinecart network.
    Could you write a small summary please?
  8. iTraitor

    iTraitor Mugger

    Sep 20, 2017
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    United Kingdom
    tl;dr make vice better
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Owendog77

    Owendog77 Pimp

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Make vice less laggy/glitchy.

    Make pvp a part of vice

    Sepperate vice from gtm more then it is now.

    Make spawn more full, you have like half of a city built around an NPC and a couple slot machines.

    Make crafting drugs more simple/explain it better.

    !!!Add a 5X5 pick!!!

    (There are so many ways that you could reduce lag!!!!!)
  10. IanPeru

    IanPeru Hunter

    Sep 21, 2017
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    Like in depth small or not in depth small