Hello everyone! In this section you can post the house you own, houses you are selling, bust most importantly houses you want to add to the map. How does this work? First of all, you build the house. When it's done, create a thread in this section and upload a few screenshots of the house and the PLOT coords on Creative. (Not the ones in the F3 menu, but the ones in /plot info) Let people teleport to your plot and let them give you some tips, and if it is a good, decent house we will add it to the map. The houses must be decorated and already have chests in it. You can be rewarded with money, but this does not depend on the size of the house. We do not only need big houses, we also need small ones. Thats how it works, if you have any questions feel free to reply!
Hey, I know this section is mostly for permit houses but is there a chance we can make a decently sized house that costs like 2 million for those who can't afford to actually buy permits or aren't lucky enough to get them in chests? Lol, just wondering cuz I'm one of those people and am a pretty good builder. If I made it, I would stick to the "1 Chest=25k" Rule
The reason we don't have large "money" houses is to actually give a incentive for people to buy permits. If you are unable to buy permits you can always do donor deals, or just buy another non-permit house.
I made this amazing build on a SkyBlock Server, interior designers needed though. Pls msg me if you are interested. My inspiration for the house is Moostache. I don't really see the house fitting in to any of the current areas or biomes but I would be glad to terraform a new area just for the build.
HenningLenz I no of a few 500k homes there is one one the pink tall building near city center and the one at ss and there is 1 more but idk where it is xD
I have a few questions: 1) What are the smallest and biggest 3D dimensions (l*w*h) we are allowed to have? 2) What are the minimum and maximum amount of chests we can put in? 3) Are we allowed to put a trash can in our house? 4) What rank of staff will approve and copy/paste the house? 5) Do the players choose where their house goes? If so, does the decoration of the house need to match that of the surrounding houses or not? 6) Does this house we build cost us any money/permits in-game? Or, for example, can we build a 15 chest house and have it freely copy/pasted into the map?
I’m white, and I’m saying sorry now. It’s but, not “bust”....... I’m about to get banned, I just spell checked the owner.
To add onto that I think they can but they just need to ask some questions, at the end of the post of the thread posted by the creator who made it, it says... "Thats how it works, if you have any questions feel free to reply!" Pretty much you can necropost but just don't make the post useless.