Hey guys, what needs to be true to get the rewards after voting? - Do I need to be logged into Minecraft (or last login should not be too long ago)? - Different IP addresses for voting on different user names e.g. I play with my son and only one of us can vote. If I then try to vote with a connection via cellphone instead of "landline" internet - I don't get rewards on all servers. So what can I do? Cheers
Hello Zuckerkatze, You need to be logged in and be on te server (like gtm1) to get the rewards. You will only get the rewards on one GTM, the GTM you are on. Im sure you can only vote once each IP. Dont forget you can vote every 12 hours on the fourth site. If you got some problems, you can always contact me or any other Staff member! Greets BrightJr
You can also vote in the hub and save the rewards so you can claim them on any gtm whenever you want.
You litterally just do /vote in the hub, if that doesn't work i use an app to help me be online whenever i want. I think i use "Pickaxe Chat" Then i look up the forums (takes 2 seconds thanks to the most commonly viewed feature) and just vote from forums.
Also, don't forget to type your name correctly (Capital letters and everything) and complete the captcha at the bottom of each page. Another thing, make sure the Auto Claim Vote Rewards optiom is on in your /pref