I got a Perm for hacking, yes i know. I was hacking but i hope in 1 week when i appeal I will get a Unban cause this is my favourite server and i had a rank also. But what i was Writing about is while i was hacking i got recorded by _Skyforge that used too hack. What he did to me was he said he had a video on me, only what he said i dont know sure if he actually had 1 on me but he blackmailed on 2 mil and other stuff that is very valuble in order to not put up any video. I have footage of him blackmailing me. Please stuff ban this kid, he was very annoying against me and not very kind. He did this to 2 of my other pals that was not hacking. Here is the footage
I'm sorry, but they do. This happened to me twice, makes you feel shit, and is REALLY unfair, you have to pay somebody money, just so you can get unbanned, and you either get banned, or you pay, giving you little or no option. I recommend contacting a staff member with the proof, and they will warn him. (That's what I did).
Lol, that dipstick doesn't even know what ./stat is. He clearly has no knowledge of how it is done. xD Blackmailing isn't cool, I would not go against him being banned.