why do you need personal info when we buy stuff? when i buy stuff on servers they dont ask (if i pay with paypal) but here they do. is it to sell our info to others so they can spam our emails or know what we would want to buy. I was about to purchase a rank on this fine server but then this personal info stuff stoped me.... please make it so you dont have to fill it in when you pay with paypal
I think its so that if something goes wrong with the purchase they can contact you, PresidentX is the best person to explain it to you however any manager could help you as well. Just so you know companies dont need to buy information on what people want, whenever you search something up on google they get it for free. Dont worry about it, hundreds of people have purchased things from gtm... your info is safe!
A lot of the information we ask you to fill is not required. But yes, in case something goes wrong (purchase doesn't go through), having your contact info can help.
The information that is required, is required by Buycraft there is no additional information that we specially ask for.