Hey Everyone! I have just heard we have that like on discord, we have added @everyone on the GTM servers to quickly get our message to numerous people when needed. This makes life so much easier ! To use just type @everyone in that followed by your message! Example: @everyone Hello! We trust that you guys will only use this feature when needed. We are sure no one will really abuse this new feature, but still, I wanted to mention that abuse of this feature will not be tolerated. Let us know how you like this! Try it, and if you experience any issues, let us know!
Server side. But we have plans for @geveryone which will allow a global @everyone. You can thank the devs.
Its mix easyer to sell something, but if you have only one item and 20 people are msging you, your fucked xD
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Its April 2nd now, so if we hadn't guessed already, this was my version of an April fools prank. @everyone will not be added as it will most definitely be abused xD.