The president rank is 250$ expensive and have 400 Gang members,and become 20 Permits,50 Houses,5.000.000 $ in GTM, and He become a Kit with a JP,Wing,chainsaw,Minigun,Hominglauncher,5Mines,Titaniumhelmet,Titaniumvest,GussenBerk,
Sounds unrealistic since its TO much p2w, but its nice to see people like you think about making the server better!
A new rank would be cool, but 400 gang members, 20 permits, 50 houses and 5 million in-game money is to much.
Honestly the most you normaly see top rank go for on servers is $200, i think anything higher is too much!!!!!
This is the largest gap in $$$, $100, and it could be creative space. This would also help buff the supreme kit.
I honestly dont think the supreme rank needs buffing, if you think about it with sponsor you have to spend over 9 mil on every server in order to use the mini. With supreme, the first time you log onto a server you can use everything in the game, it's perfectly balanced in my opinion.