tbh, ur probably saying that because u get cocky whenever you jp. And plus, all you do is jp and mini usually so removing it should matter to you.
OMG RELATE 100 As a diehard minigunner (and sometimes jetpacker), I tend to just walk by anyone lower than Mobster. Typically though, they shoot at me, and I am forced to rape them. Some of them, ask me in chat, "why'd you kill me", and I say, "I was trying to walk by, but you shot me", and then we just go on with our lives. Recently however, I let a hobo go, and he just stares at me. Like, with cold steve-like eyes boring in to my 360p skull. I don't think much, until I come in an encounter with a minigunner. Typically, i'm a fairly good minigunner and will win a 1o1 90% of the time, but not this time. I hide behind a street lamp, and wait for a reaction. We circle eachother like a Fornite fan around a Legendary Scar, and then... BOOM! The Hobo pulls out a minigun and is suddenly wearing kwons and samuri's, and shoots me to death. I have mistaken his rank because of his skin. This is a sad day. No, of course not, the hobo shoots me a couple times with a micro smg, and I get knocked out of cover, I turn to shoot the minigunner and we exchange fire, I win (obviously) and am left low at 1.5 hearts, when said hobo approaches with a knife and proceeds to rape ME. I know. I've never been raped, but, I guess... The sign says, if you get raped, enjoy it. And enjoy it I did.
Sure, and in the meantime, we can add the Allies and the Axis powers, new features to make WW2 style gameplay, and make the map the size of the world, 1-1 ratio.
But he's right, we live on one face of a cube, every face is home to another demention... We just need to find a way around the wormholes sitting at the edges and we find alien multicellular life.
We dont know yet, every time we try we enter the wormhole and come out the opposite side of the geometric plane we call home.
In my opinoin, miniguns are fine, it' sjust the matter of jitter clicking or fastplacinig or jusst holding down the button or whatever you are doing. It won't make sense to have a low fire rate minigun, and it already does little damage.
My suggestion would not lower the fire rate, it would just prevent people from being able to go over the intended ammount. It even makes it impossible to use fp