I have an idea for the fuel, what if you make something like for the ammo but for fuel. So you can find iT in chests and you can buy iT at spawn, then this problem would be gone (if you get killed that you drop like the half of your fuel and iT Will automatucally be given to the other players store room).
They just do it the same way as wing suits, it just gets used a certain amount of time before removing one.
Honestly in my opinion I don’t think fuel should be changed, a part of the gameplay should be waiting out your opponents until they run out of fuel. It makes the game more interesting.
You are right, its making it a bit challangier for the jpers to pick up studd if iT will get changed, iT would be to easy
It's not about running out, it's about not being able to pick up loot after you win a JP fight because minigunners just spray you down if you don't get it on the first go.