I think there should just be a limit as to how fast a mini can shoot, maby make it so that the fastest way to shoot is just to hold down right click and not jitter.
I don't understand, every hates on minis yet they are still, regardless of what anyone says, one of the most skillful forms of PVP.
I think everything about the minigun is great, i just wish that pvp was less about who can click faster. That should stay on servers with comboladder pvp.
it should be cool if they make the damage higher but they need to fix that you can jitter or autoclick etc anymore, then its all good
The fact of the matter is when we nerf the mini a group of players say BUFF IT, then if we buff it then a group of players say NERF IT. We can’t make everyone happy and there isn’t really a sweet spot to hit. We will most likely look into additional addition to the minigun that don’t have anything to do with accuracy or damage.
I know this is a serious post, but I swear I read this five times and I thought it said "combo bladder".
As a mini user, I can assure my opinion isn't biased. Make something to counter the minigun, maybe a rail gun? This railgun would operate similar to a gusen, but instead, it'd have very low damage with an extreme fire rate. Possible lower damage and higher fire rate than mini, or just increase accuracy to the point of perfection.
Noobs could just use throwables, or make a large team. Ive died so many fucking times to noobs and there throwables that i have to kill all of them now. I used to let them go but they werent happy with that.