Okay so this is going to be one of the ways one can ask for a donar dealer, a.k.a. Someone who buys another person stuff. The reason I made this post was to help prevent some scammers. I know this is a mockup but as due time, this can be helpful. And REMEMBER Donar Deal Scammers, can get away with scamming if they don't buy first. And if the person who buys you or anyone anything from the store and doesn't recieve the items, the player who didn't GIVE the items gets banned. Username: [ your username in game ] Offering: [ What you are offering in game to the buyer.] Wants: [ Type specifically what you want from the store.] Time: [ enter your timezone so your possible purchaser can make it on a later date if they can't do the deal right then.] Completed: [ If yes then people will know the deal happened, if not they won't and might ask.] Staff/Third Party: [ this inquiry is to tell which staff or player you are using as a thrid party to give the items offered.]