Everday i have Realised This. Between 3 - 5pm, theres always NO staff online on gtm1, or at all. Many hackers have been on, and they terrorize the Server. this also happens 7 - 10pm for all Aussies. The reason this happens, is because American staff are Asleep. Only so often a 'Useless' for catching hacker Helpop joins and reports the Hackers to higher staff, but they Reply the next Morning. #HireAussieStaff
We are always looking for staff for all times, but the best option if nobody is on is making a hacker report on the forums.
IF I do get staff, I can stay up until 3am during the weekends. 3AM In Pacific Time is 12PM for you @Janigaming And 3AM for me in Pacific Time is 8PM for you @PuppyRyan
But there is no fun if you can not play normal bec. Every tim you go in warzone you die with a ton of loot by the hackers. So puppy has right there ar to manny hackers online on 3-5 pm and 7-10 pm
And in the meantime, enjoy getting your KD obliterated by hackers JK Just get on another GTM or completely different server. For example, I've been playing this awesome server recently, it has really great staff, awesome mechanics, a devoted community, and multiple gameplay options. I would totally recommend it to anyone. IP:mc-gtm.net Thought I was gonna advertise? Nope...
Guyz the best option is to record the hackers right on the spot, this way we can completely pipe down, hunt and exterminate all the hackers. If u can't get help, record, if u cant record, get a friend to record. Or use /report and report the players that hack, staff will get them once they come back online! Need More Information? https://grandtheftmc.net/threads/important-things-about-hackers.4978/#post-15423
Even then i dont think helpops can ban people, only kick and mute And besides ian is right, 3am is to late to stay up every night!!!
Lol, its all good. The whole point of HelpOp's is to answer questions and be there for new players as well as players in need of help. HelpOps can record hackers, and send the video's to higher ranked staff members and get them banned. When HelpOp's are on, players tend to toggle off, which scares them. So as long as staff tend to play on their main servers, its all good. Sooner or later they will get caught slipping. Im looking forward to doing that soon.