I Wanted To Make GTM a Bit More Interesting... Police tape will be given to Players that Receive Cop Mode/Kit. It Will NOT be Dropped on Death. To Use This Tape, Players must Right Click 2 Corners/Blocks, (Can Be used as String) and when they click the 2nd Block, It makes a Police Tape Texture, Used as String. To Destroy This Tape, Players, and Cops, Must right click this with a Knife, leaving a gap in the Tape. The Tape will Despawn in 3-5m. You cannot shoot through this Tape Or take any damage. It is Impenetrable To Fists or Guns. Think of it as Normal Police Tape, You can layer it, etc. Players With Cop will spawn with 32 Police Tape (String). This would be a Lovely Test for Plugin/Server Devs.# (The Textures Would Look Better)
Think About when a Cop warps into Pvp, theres just a geared person shifting infront of him. When the cop turns his back, The Guy Kills Him. It makes it more fair for Cops
Well this applies to everyone not just cops. And I think that this will be abused a ton and players will end up just being pissed at the item.
He said it's to serve as a riot shield via blocking bullets and blocking player entry. If this was implemented into the game... What I would do is JP Bait another Jper into the 350k building and then have my friend who is a Cop rank with the police tape blocking the entrance with another Wingsuiter whom is a Cop rank too will start blocking the back entrance and then start Minigunning the predator. Just Lock This Thread, this will never be added into the game as a lot of complications with it can be occured and abused by the players.