I realize some of these are probably already being worked on by the staff, but I'll put them up here in case some how staff have not been made aware yet. Trading Bug Shift clicking items out of your inventory in the trade menu can cause your items to be put on the other players side of the trade. Items cannot be retrieved and if the other player cancels the trade they get said item(s). Inventory shooting Shift clicking a gusenberg sweeper out of your backpack into your inventory causes the sweeper to automatically fire two shots. Broken Bullshark Large amounts of Bullshark Testosterone items are unusable. Gang Glitch Forming a gang can cause: (A) the gang to disappear (B) the owner of the gang to lose ownership (C) gang members to be randomly added sharing the name of the gang, even though that player doesn't exist Gun stacking Guns and melee weapons that normally wouldn't stack can now stack. If you have a glitch/bug you would like me to add here please let me know.
These are all good bugs. However, I do not see the problem with stacking. It saves massive amounts of space in your BP/houses.
I understand that it is very helpful, but sadly as a diehard for server balance, I would like to see it fixed. Sorry to anyone who wants to keep it... Also it is kind of unhelpful. If I shift out some gusenberg sweepers from my inventory, if I don't seperate them all I can't use the one I wanted for PVP. And speaking of PVP, it's even more of a hassle if you kill someone with a gusenberg sweeper, and because I can't fire the now stacked gusenberg sweeper, I can die fairly easily to any teammates or cleaners that aren't usually an issue.
I would like to see the beer nerfed. It takes 4 hits on a naked player for a kill, and 8 hits on a fully geared jetpacker. With me getting baited into buildings by fully geared jetpackers all they do is beer and two shot you if they make a critical hit while I have to do some Jackie Chan fused with Jet Li type shit to dodge all of their hits. I’ll provide an example: https://plays.tv/video/5a6ab8841099114a04/phillyroll-beer-much-?from=user
This does seem unfair but doesn't fit this thread as it is not a glitch. I could make a seperate thread for suggested nerfs though.
So I would like if it just wouldn't stack in the hotbar. Because in the bp it is a blessing. but killing someone and the weapons stack is really an issue that can lead to your death
This shouldn't imply anything, but i've been accused of fastplace more times than Jake Paul got dumped. One glitch that really terrifies me is when I switch my hand to a minigun (or any other type of gun) and it starts shooting like a minigun. Even with a pistol, if I pull it out, sometimes it'll start shooting like a minigun, this usually occurs for around 1 or 2 seconds, and whether or not it does damage is unknown to me. I just want this to be fixed because once someone said I was FP hacking because of this glitch. Thanks.