I had this conversation on the server, and I was wondering what the community thinks. @Jvkatox said that everyone was spamming @MixLogic. Now, Mix does a lot. Kwon does a lot of behind the scenes work, as does Curee. So the Manager that works mostly on the servers is MixLogic. And he's on all the time. What do you think about another Manager helping Mix out? I feel so bad because I have a lot of housing questions, and Mix is the one who answers them as he's the person. But I feel bad. And I have so many other questions, and if I have a lot of questions, I know a lot of other people have just as many. I'm not saying Mix can't handle the job. He clearly is. I just feel that for the player amount, there needs to be another Manager helping him out because he does a lot. I know the Manager rank isn't just given out like Oprah gives out cars, but even if one more Manager is added, I think it'll help a lot. I'd love to know what you think. And I'd love to hear what @Presidentx thinks, even though he won't even see this thread xD
When both my houses glitched out(I couldn't get into them), I made a request for them to get fixed. Thanks to I think MixLogic, my houses got fixed. I didn't use o think GTM needed for managers, but now that I think back on how long it took for my houses to get fixed, and with all the requests I saw in global chat alone, not to mention other issues, yes, I agree. I believe the GTM staff(MixLogic, bless his poor overworking soul) could greatly benefit from another manager.
Haha Thanks Guys, if you think that I may be busy most questions can just be asked to a lower staff because that’s what they are there for. I’m pretty sure I’m managing my. Workload well but just keep in mind that you don’t always need a manager to help you.
Both of our questions/issues were about houses. Can Admins handle housing creation/bugs? Or only Managers?
Admins can fix them as well, but if you have questions you can ask Helpops, or report it on the google doc here https://goo.gl/forms/T3lBBuHdz67GmR3E3
Wow, that is a very considerate post. Based President's response, there is a possibility (not certain) that a new manager will be brought, so stay hyped! Although as you said, Mix can handle his job perfectly well, providing him with assistance will certainly improve things.
The issue really isn’t a lack of managers it’s just a matter of going to the right people, 99% of your questions can be answered by a Helpop or mod. If they can’t answer it they will go to us.
Yep, Mix is a great asset to the GTM community. I see lots of qualities in him, he is always active working on the server, will help anyone who comes to him for help. Great personality and humor. Keep up the great work bud. I will be looking forward to be working with you in the future
It's awesome to hear PresidentX's response to this. And you are most certainly correct. However, many things can only be handled by Managers who not only have the permissions but also have the authority. The more people in higher, more trusted positions, can only be beneficial. A stable government can't be run by one person, a stable business can't be run by one person, and nor can GTM. Obviously, there is no lack of leadership. My point is just that the more people GTM has in these high positions (that are trusted) can only mean great things.