Discussion in 'General Offtopic' started by Qhong, Dec 30, 2017.
https://gyazo.com/e8fa12e1bf5e0110b309d5e12157ba60 @Jvkatox
All praise the barrel
O my god. That’s what my builders do xD
Yep, this is all we do.
Your builders? Do you own them or something? And if so, can I buy them?
Is this a suicide post?
How come I wasn't invited?
How come me, The king of the barrel, leader of the barrel squad, was not invited!
WHAT ABOUT ME THE CO-LEADER. Qhong and _Hastec_ lets all take one barrel photo.
Who is giving all these kids drug
Shshhshhshshs dont expose me.
I guess Akarush is giving out drugs. Hook me up.
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