Alright, so. Big debates in the wind here, and this might be a pretty big split depending on how active people actually are on the forums. So lets just hop right into this. What kind of fast food restaurant do you prefer? Ex: Mc Donalds, Chick Fil A, Chipotle, Taco Bell, Burger King, Wendy's, ETC! Comment your choice below! OOF
Personally, all food is accepted by me, all food is great. Food is amazing. No matter what kind; Wendys, in and out, McDonald's, Whataburger it's all good. As a UNI student, all that matters is what's nearby. My people, this is just like the Butt Or Boob arguments, all I have to say to you is why not both, why not all, accept all the food since it is here for us to enjoy. Don't mock other for what they enjoy, because all food deserves to be eaten. There is no reason to fight against each other, let's all band together and fight the real threat! HUNGER! Thank you, A Hungry Student