someone please answer on my ticket, its takes everytime up to 3 weeks, i would appreciate that.
answer on my appeal pls
Joined the QA Team and the Wiki to make this Server a bit better :)
26.01.2025: Joined the developer team with the goal to get GTM back driving!
King of necro posting
Thank you for posting my profile. You seem like a pretty chill guy!
bewertet positiv oder leckt meine Eier!
how to look at a appeal statase
can someone look my appeal please
Can someone look at my appeal?
Hello!! I am Japanese.
Me and ocerq , we had a deal i pay 96 mill and he send me a gc of 40 dollars
pro gamer
w gtm player
Hey man
Dayum Cyborg is Owner i rememba when we used to do wing 1v1 gbs and chill
What are current Jpkat prices?
Guess whos back
imagine if dapo got a low taper fade