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Balances, Easter Event and More

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Jab50, Mar 29, 2023.

  1. Jab50

    Jab50 Criminal Staff Member Manager

    Oct 21, 2017
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    The Easter Event is upon us! This update is on information on the Event, Bug Fixes, a special Riot Shield Update, and many more. Look below for the changes!

    As many of you know, the Easter Event is the same as past years. There are four main changes to the server during this event.

    (1) You can see a boss bar at the top depicting how much longer the event!
    (2) You can collect 30 Physical places heads around the map. You get 8x throwable eggs, which drop loot and spawn bunnies. You can kill the bunnies to get easter chocolate.

    (3) Easter Chocolate, if right clicked, will open an in-game easter menu where you can use the chocolates as currency to get in-game items or tags!
    (4) Tags are added to the GTM store and to the vote-shop, for you to get GTM related easter tags to show off to all of your friends during, and after the easter event is over.

    Here are some basic metrics over the Easter Event:
    - 35 bunnies per chunk .
    - 25 eggs can spawn per chunk.
    - Eggs spawn every 4 minutes.
    - Eggs have a 5% chance to drop a bunny.
    - Max bunny limit as of now is set to 2k (will most likely increase to 3k).

    The following
    bugs were fixed in regard to the Easter Event:
    - Fixed a bug with the Easter shop not giving weapons with the correct lore.
    - Fixed a bug with Easter eggs requiring a restart to appear.
    - Turbo boots were removed due to some issues, it will be replaced by another item.

    Riot Shields were updated to combat the growing grenade and launcher spam. The Riot shield will now
    absorb 65% of all damage done by an explosive.

    - Lego SMG damage nerfed from 3-2
    - Lego SMG range nerfed
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