Grand Theft Minecart

Commands Printable Version

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Teleportation Commands
/warp - This command will you teleport to a random location.
/spawn - This command will you teleport to spawn.
/tpa (player) - Sends a teleport request to a player.
/tpahere (player) - Request a player to teleport to you.

Server Warping Commands
/gtm(#) - Warps you to the selected gtm server.
/creative(#) - Warps you to the selected creative server.
/hub(#) - Warps you to the selected hub server.

Links Commands
/rules - This command will show you all our server rules. Make sure to follow them.
/map - This command gives you a link to the GTM Map.
/discord - This command gives you an invite to our Discord server.
/twitter - This command gives you a link to our Twitter.
/facebook - This command gives you a link to our Facebook.
/links - This command gives you all the 'important' links including GTM's Facebook page, Twitter page, wiki, and more!
/wiki - This command gives you the link to GTM's wiki.
/store - This command gives you a link to our Donation Store.
/vote - This command will open the vote menu.

Rewards / Economy Commands
/pay (player) (amount) - This command allows you to pay a player a certain amount of money. You can only use this command when you have your money withdrawn.
/voteshop - This command will open the voteshop menu, which you can buy different
/kit - This command will show you all the kits, which you can claim by clicking the kit of your choice. Some kits require a certain rank before you receive them.
/rewards - This command will open the rewards menu.
/crowbars - This command shows how many Crowbars you have.
/cheatcode menu - This command will open a menu with all available Cheat Codes, providing information about all Cheat Codes and their levels.
/cheatcode shop - This command will open the Cheat Code shop where you can buy specific Cheat Codes with Cheat Code Tokens.
/sell - (/Cheatcode) - Opens an item sell menu similar to a trashcan that you can sell items in. It can only be used in the /spawn area or inside a house.
/bm - (/Cheatcode) - Opens the black market menu to buy or sell things.
/customkits - (/Cheatcode) - Opens the Customkit menu to buy your preset custom kits.

Basic / Misc Commands
/gtmranks - You can see which rank there is everything and what you can use all
/warnings - This command allows you to view your warnings.
/pref - This command shows you all the preferences you can choose.
/bribe (amount) - This command is used to send a bribe offer to the cop who arrested you!
/bribe accept (prisoner) - This command is used to accept the bribe of a prisoner you arrested!
/bribe deny (prisoner) - This command is used to deny the bribe of a prisoner you arrested!
/ignore (player) - This command ignores a specific player. You won´t be able to see messages from him. To unignore a player, simply use the same command again.
/gt - This command starts the tutorial, you must be in the /spawn area to use it.
/fix - Fixes the durability of a held item.
/near - Check if there are any players near you.
/ptime (day/night) - Change the time of the day for yourself exclusively.
/feed - Fills your hunger bar and saturation bar to their maximum.
/bp or /backpack - Opens yours backpack
/spank (player)
/how - Helps with finding information about a specific topic. Ex. /how gold
- You can see every booster and you can buy them.
/supplydrop menu - Opens the Supplydrop menu showing you the different supplydrops.
/housevault - This command allows you to open your personal housevault, while being in one of your premium houses.

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