Grand Theft Minecart

Boosters Printable Version

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There are two ways of getting boosters. The first way to get a booster is by using the premium in-game currency 'Gold'. You will find the gold price in the description of each booster. The second way to get them is purchasing them from the store. Fix boosters are also obtainable from the monthly rewards from the Supreme rank.

You can access the booster menu by typing /boosters in-game.


There are currently a total of 4 different boosters that you can purchase on the GTM network. Each booster applies to all online players and not just the individual who uses the booster.

Fix -> Repairs every item that has lost durability in every inventory of all online players. The fix booster costs 3 gold.

Sell -> Increases the selling value of each item that can be sold in the trashcan by 50%. The sell booster lasts for 2 minutes and costs 5 gold.

Loot -> Increases the loot you find in Loot crates and Rare crates by 100%. The loot booster lasts for 15 minutes and costs 3 gold.

Vote -> Doubles the amount of crowbars and the money players get. The vote booster lasts for 10 minutes and costs 3 gold.

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